(borger texas)

I have been bald for at least 5 years, over the years it has messed with me mentalley and i get so mad at myself.
i have high blood pressure and also a diabetic. could this have somthing to do with me going bald? is there any way i can get my hair back without it costing a whole lot of money? i look like bozo the clown!


You mention that you have been bald for 5 years, but enough information is not provided to know exactly what led to the baldness.

Yes, medications for blood pressure can sometimes contribute to hair loss, but so does bonding glue, hair extensions, tight braiding, lupus, and many other condtions.

There is no way to know the best way to advise you on what the possible outcomes are for your hair loss condition based upon what you have told me so far.

So, my advice is to first find out what your diagnosis is and the medical reason for your hair loss, then treatment options can be considered.

Being depressed about the hair loss makes it seem hopeless, but do not let this stop you from at least finding out what is going on.


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Jun 17, 2011
Restoring Hair Is a Blessing-Don't Take It for Granted
by: Take Down Hair Restoration

Thanks for sharing. A lot of women are using weaves/hair extensions-but they must value maintaining their own hair while wearing the extensions. It makes a big difference during the removal process as well.

The key is to enable your hair to grow thick and healthy-if not this really could be a source of hair loss,hair damage,balding.

Frankly, most of the hair dressers or even African braiders are not trained in the Take Down Removal system or technique of taking these hair styles out-so basically bonding glue is ripped out the hair, tangled or matted roots of a sew-in weave are yanked with a comb(sooooo painful); keratin bonds from fusion extensions pull the hair out when slidding the glue out. Dreadlocks are just cut out!

We see it everyday and we get calls everyday for solutions-from mistakes hairdressers have made as well.

Apr 11, 2011
Finding the Right Treatment
by: Anna

First thing first, find out the cause of your balding. Most causes are stress, low in iron, protein and vitamins, the use of mixed products for hair dyeing and hair re-bonding. After the consultation, if your problem is hair loss then use the proven hair treatment asap like Leimo hair loss treatment products.

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