23 year old blackwoman
by kea nikole
(atlanta ga US)
My story started close to 9yrs ago,when I first started to have thinning in the top of my scalp and I thought it may have been caused by over processing and wearing braids. Throughout the last 5yrs I have just come to turns with this "HAIRLOSS" it is emotionally devestating and so I never look at it or even tell any of my relatives even my husband of 10years is unaware of this.I wear wigs and updo's my edges are still in tack but are thinning more and more.I have just givin up on my hair and just enhance other things about me such as trying to stay fit and keeping my skin beautiful, but when that time comes around for me to wash my hair I get sad again I used to have long beautiful thick hair..... What a thing of the past